Friday, March 4, 2011

Pearl Haya again!

Pearl Haya again..this is besday gift from myself ahahhaha...pearl haya bagi 30% OFF for my besday! Best sangat...aku pergi pearl haya with Shabil....dia adalah peneman setia aku bila aku pergi shopping hehehhehe.....but...he will request me to buy ULTRAMAN big big one...later...huhuuhuh
I went to Pearl Haya and meet Ida there. She with her sisters and masa aku tunggu Ida sampai aku dah pilih a few for myself...punyala rabun mata...sbb semuanya mmg gorgeous hehehehe...aku mmg dah set nak cari red colour.....atlast aku ketemu red + black...mmg cantik2 sangat...then i choose another 2 syria...mmg sesuaila dgn aku...ihiks...Then Idapon sampai...Ida lagila....rabun semua....hahahhahahha...actualy pearl haya ni the best dia...bila kita claim 30% for besday kita boleh beli max 20 pieces...and kalau bring relative ke friendke kita boleh masukkan they all sekali in ida and sisters diapon dapat 30% OFF tak? Aku siap remind Ida, time besday dia nanti jangan lupe masukkan akunye sekali kalau lagi ramai member yg kita kena ada membership pearl haya lehle kita tumpang bila time besday diorg....bagus tak?

Aku rembat 3 helaije kali ni sbb Mr Bos dah pesan dun spend too much ehehhehehhehe...kena ada reminder if not...taktahula kan...sbb mmg betul2 rabun mata...tak caya tanya Ida ye...

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