Monday, February 28, 2011

Driving and License

One day aku tgh driving...aku terpandang satu kete if not mistaken perodua car..then the driver is "gaijin"....not Malaysian people. He drives to left right left right like orang mabuk..not consistent and very dangerous to other drivers...and i thinking that maybe the person drunk license.....

I remembered when studied in experience driving without license hahahaha...not me...also my hubby...both of us no license but gambled drive in JAPAN...u all imagine Japan is a country which is everyone follow and obey the rules.....its a strict countryla...

We all pernah kena kejar dgn polis sbb bawa scooter 2 org. In Japan scooter hanya dinaiki only 1 person...sbb scooter dia mmg comel and cute hehehhehe...but we all ni degil so naikla scooter ni. Satu hari ditgh malam nak dijadikan citerla tiba2 kete plois dgn siren lagi bunyi...tomare tomare...means stop stop ahahahhaha...aku terjunje scooter then hubby bawala scooter yg 50cc ke 70 cc entah lari ahahhahaahahha nak lawan gan police car yg tentunye lebih power kuasa kudanye ahhahahahhahaha...tapi kan mmg miracle...setiap kali we all kena tahan..tak pernah kena saman pon....selalu dilepaskan...polis japan mmg baik sangat...walaupon kalau tgk muke garang bengis...hoohohoh..we are lucky!!...actually hubby ni mmg pandai menggoreng2 ni ahahahhahahah...entah apala dia goreng time tuh....polis tu pesan suruh we all tolak scooter tu...ihiks...giler la nak tolak scooter mendaki bukit Kakuma (we allnye hostel) mendatar tapi separuh pengsan gakle...check kiri kanan depan belakang line clear start engine scooter then cabut............alhamdulillah...berjaya tiba di hostel tanpa dikejar hehhehehehhe...

Contoh cute to google...COMEL tak?

Ada satu case lagi...hehe byk sgt case we all kat Japan ni...kitaorg ada shared car...which is we share bought the car with our seniority ehhehehhe...sometimes we all bawa je...janji confident level highla...kalau lemah semangat jangan gatal nak bawa ye...then nak dijadika story la...we all menuruni bukit just near by KENROKUEN (the 3rd famous garden in JAPAN)...tiba2..ada kete polis lagi belakang we all jerit soh stop...we all stopla...then my hubby said...tunggu dlm kete and diapon sorg2 je gi masuk kete polis...entah apa dia tung tang kelentung police we all selamat lagi lepas....aahhahaha sbb apa polis tu tahan we all? Nak tahu tak?Becoz masa we all menuruni bukit tuh...break lampu belakang tak menyala....becoz of that we all kena tomare...lepas lagi tak kena saman....mmg lucky!In Japan even rantai basikal yg tak letak minyakpon kena tahan gan polis tau...sbb disini mmg safety is number ONE...


  1. amboi...rabu rabu mode ke ni? teringat zaman muda mudi dulu..hehe

  2. yela flash back kenangan silam ekekkekeke...memory mmg takleh erasela...
